27th Call for Proposals has Opened
Deadline: 31 March 2021
The IraSME network has opened its 27th call for R&D proposals (deadline: 31 March 2021). Interested parties may find all relevant documents and information in the “current call” section on this website.
We are glad to be able to announce that Austria’s Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has confirmed its participation in the current call, after having paused for one year.
The Czech Republic will have to skip this current call but will most likely re-join the 28th call for proposals with its deadline end of September 2021.
The participating countries/regions in the 27th call for proposals are: Alberta (Canada), Austria, Brazil, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Luxembourg, Russia, Turkey, Wallonia (Belgium).
More information on each country’s/region’s funding institution is available on the “countries & regions” section on this website.
What we fund:
- Development of new products, processes or technical services.
- Technical development from first idea to final prototype (before market launch).
- R&D with significant technical risks for each funded partner.
- Minimum constellation: 2 companies from 2 participating countries/regions.