Germany: ZIM Accepts Applications Again
Deadline: 28 September 2022
The German “Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM)” has re-opened again on 3 August 2022. We therefore gladly confirm that Germany takes part in the current 30th IraSME call. Interested applicants from Germany may find all relevant documents and information on the ZIM website.
Please note the changes in certain formal procedures that come with the re-opening, which are explained here on the ZIM website. It is, for instance, mandatory to use the newly revised version of the application forms, available upon request by e-mail only. It is also mandatory to use the new online upload tool for submitting any ZIM applications.
The participating countries/regions in the 30th call for proposals are: Brazil, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Luxembourg, Turkey, and Wallonia (Belgium).
More information on each country’s/region’s funding institution and conditions is available in the “countries & regions” section on this website.
Alberta (Canada), Austria, and the Czech Republic will have to skip this call but are looking at re-joining the 31st call for proposals with its deadline end of March 2023.