35th Call for Proposals Open

35th Call for Proposals has Opened

Deadline: 26 March 2025

The IraSME network has opened its 35th call for R&D proposals (deadline: 26 March 2025). Interested parties may find all relevant documents and information in the “current call” section on this website.

We are glad to announce that the Czech Republic is able to rejoin our IraSME network calls continuously for the next two years. Czech companies and research institutes are funded and supported by MPO, the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The participating countries/regions in the 35th call for proposals are: Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Luxembourg, Türkiye, and Wallonia (Belgium).
More information on each country’s/region’s funding institution and conditions is available at the “countries & regions” section on this website.

What we fund:

  • Development of new products, processes or technical services which exceed the international state of the art.
  • Technical development up to the level of a prototype (prior to market launch).
  • R&D with significant technical risks for each funded partner.
  • Bottom-up approach: Open to all fields of technology; applicants decide what they intend to develop in order to increase their company’s innovation capabilities and general competitiveness
  • Minimum constellation: 2 companies from 2 participating countries/regions, except 
    • Austria: 3 companies per project consortium, with at least 2 SMEs (according to the definition of the EC) from at least 2 participating countries/regions, i.e. at least 1 SME per country/region
    • Brazil: companies must team up with an EMBRAPII unit