Innovation Day 2019 in Berlin

Innovation Day 2019

Berlin – May 9, 2019

The International Area of the 26th Innovation Day 2019 was organised with our partner network CORNET and in cooperation with the EEN network Berlin. It took place in Berlin at the Innovation Day 2019 (Innovationstag Mittelstand des BMWi 2019). Many participants initiated new contacts, developped joint project ideas and visited the exhibitors on the Innovationday 2019.

The Innovationday is a yearly open air event held at the premises of AiF Projekt GmbH in Berlin. More than 400 SMEs and RTOs show the results of their research and development projects funded by BMWi within the national funding schemes IGF (CORNET) and ZIM (IraSME). This year about 1.800 visitors and 28 members of the German parliament used the sunny day to visit the state of the art innovation show in the park.

More photos from the event: