New Call with new partner involved and a new website
The 24th IraSME Call for proposals is open with 25th September 2019 as deadline. All partners except for Austria are participating and Turkey joined as new partner.
In the just published 24th IraSME Call for proposals you get the chance to apply for research and development projects with partners from Alberta (Canada), Luxemburg, Russia, Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium), Czech Republic, Germany and for the first time also from Turkey. The Turkish funding agency TÜBITAK just joined the network and wants to fund good international projects of small and medium enterprises and research institutes as their partners. Visit the Turkish country profile for further details and contact details.
The only partner that could not yet confirm participation in the 24th Call is Austria. If you are from Austria or planning a project with Austrian partners please contact FFG for updates and alternatives.
We are looking forward to get al lot of good proposals for the development of new products, processes or technical services. To increase your chances please contact the coordination office and your local funding agencies in an early stage.
For all information and necessary documents visit our current call section.
As you might have noticed we also redesigned our website. We would be happy to receive your feedback on errors, bugs or missing features to improve our service.