POSTPONED to 2021: Germany Day in Skolkovo (Russia)

IraSME and FASIE to attend Skolkovo event in 2021

In August we were pleased to announce that IraSME and FASIE had been kindly invited by the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH, Moscow) to take part at the Germany Day in Skolkovo, Russia, which was originally scheduled to take place on 26 October 2020. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding travel restrictions, the event has been postponed to 2021. A new date is yet to be set.

The IraSME coordination office and representatives of FASIE are hopeful that we will be able to present funding opportunities for collaborative research and innovation projects within the IraSME network in general, and German-Russian SME partnerships in particular, during the event next year.