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IraSME – International research activities by small and medium-sized enterprises

IraSME is a network of ministries and funding agencies which are owners and/or managers of national or regional funding programmes for cooperative research and development projects between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Some of the network members allow research and technology organisations (RTOs), which act as collaboration partners to those SMEs, to apply for funding as well.

Against the background of growing competition in global markets, IraSME supports SMEs in their transnational innovation activities, helps them to acquire technological know-how, extend their networks and bridge the gap between research and innovation. The coordination of the network is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).



IraSME coordinates national funding for
international projects.


We fund: Development of innovative new products, processes or technology-based services. Technical development up to prototype level. R&D with significant technical risks for each funded partner.

34th Call: Open until 25 September 2024

Countries / Regions

Find all cooperating agencies/ministries from different countries/regions here. Projects are funded by local programmes according to their rules/processes. Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Türkiye, Wallonia (Belgium).


Do you have an innovative idea but not the right partners yet to implement it? Present your project idea or oganisation profile in order to look for potential cooperation partners at one of our Partnering Events taking place online or in alternating locations once or twice a year.



Founded as an ERANet in FP6 in 2005 IraSME has been self-sustained since 2011. All costs are carried by the participating funding bodies. The network coordination is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and carried out by AiF Projekt GmbH, a project management agency of BMWK which is based in Berlin.

137 Projects Funded in 11 Years

The success rate averages around 40% and is largely dependant on the quality of proposals submitted (and not necessarily defined by budget limitations!). The earlier you start getting advice the higher your chances of success. 

Financial Support

The average calculated budget per consortium is around 1 million Euros, financed at about 60% through funds and 40% through individual equity stakes. For the past 10 years, these figures amount to an overall IraSME R&D budget of approx. 137 Million Euros of which approx. 82 millon Euros were paid out as non-reimbursable grants.

Completely Bottom-Up

Thematically extremely wide from low to high tech. From two companies developing new building materials to consortia with up to 8 members developing whole new digital value chains. You decide on what to develop while we examine if there is enough innovation and market potential.

National Funding Hand in Hand

IraSME is streamlining different national / regional processes, deadlines and rules to facilitate national funding of international projects. It also is your easy central access for information on the common rules and national / regional contact points.

Countries / Regions


On these pages we offer you a short overview of the basic features of the different funding programmes involved as well as links to further information and a direct contact to the responsible funding agency. The agencies / ministries help you understand what is necessary in order to receive a grant/financial support. Please get in touch with them at an early stage of planning your project.


ZIM – Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand


TÜBİTAK – Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye


Luxinnovation – National Innovation Agency of Luxembourg



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