EMBRAPII - Brazilian Company of Research and Industrial Innovation
SBN, Quadra 1, Bloco I, 14º Andar
Ed. Armando Monteiro Neto
Brasília, DF
Contact Person
Marcela Mazzoni
Phone: +55.61.3772-1033
Aim of Programme
- Promote the technological development of new products, processes or business solutions between Brazilian and foreign enterprises
- Provide an innovation-driven business environment
- Strengthen cooperation between companies and technology research institutions in Brazil and abroad
- Select joint projects presented by companies of all sizes and start-ups from both Brazil and the foreign country, aiming at engaging in science-based innovation cooperation between Brazilian and foreign companies. The selected projects shall result in an added value, which could not be achieved in one of the countries alone.
- Promote exchange of knowledge and expertise, establishment of lasting partnerships, and increase market expansion opportunities
Financing Conditions
- Companies in need of a qualified R&D unit seek EMBRAPII’s expertise to perform the required tasks.
- Financing of a project must follow the EMBRAPII operational model.
- According to this model, EMBRAPII finances up to 1/3 of Brazilian project costs with non-reimbursable resources.
- The Brazilian industrial partner must financially contribute, in cash payed directly to the EMBRAPII unit, at least 1/3 of the project costs.
- The EMBRAPII Unit may add in-kind contributions. Eligible in-kind contributions include non-monetary resources that are provided to support the project. These can include the time of individuals (experts in a specific area) spent in providing direction and participating in the project; specialized skills; access to special equipment, space, data sets, etc.
- Companies may apply for additional grants from BNDES, SEBRAE, Rota 2030 and PPI-IoT Programs. These fundings are available at the EMBRAPII Units. For more information on these grants please refer to or your national contact person.
- The Brazilian part of the project must address an industrial demand and involve one or more industrial partners.
- The Brazilian part of the project must be developed/managed by an EMBRAPII unit.
- Brazilian and international companies of all sizes, including startups, operating in Brazil.
- Joint projects must address researches from experimental proof of concept to technology demonstrated in relevant environment (TRL 3-6).
- Exceptionally, research may be done within TRL 7 to 9.
- The project must lead to the development of products or technical processes, which are considerably differentiated from the ones existing in the market in terms of their functions or other features and provide an added economic, societal or environmental value.
- The company negotiates the project directly with the EMBRAPII Unit.
- The non-reimbursable resources that can be used to finance up to 1/3 of Brazilian project costs are available exclusively in the EMBRAPII Units (and cannot be transferred to the company)
- IP is discussed and negotiated directly among partners.
Get in touch with your local Network contact point by selecting the city where your company is based. They can help your business with advice, support and opportunities for international partnerships:
GTAI - Germany Trade & Invest
The website offers information on Brazil’s economic climate, industries, business practice, law and international tenders as provided by the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany (in German only).