Wallonia (Belgium)
Service Public de Wallonie (SPW)
Direction générale Opérationnelle Economie, Emploi et Recherche (DGO6)
Place de Wallonie, 1 BAT III (2ème étage)
B-5100 Namur – Jambes, Belgium (Wallonia)
Contact Person
Mr. Thierry Lemoine
Phone: +32 (0)81 334 526
Email: thierry.lemoine (at) spw.wallonie.be
Programme general / Plan Marshall:
SPW-DGO6 - General Programme / Marshall Plan
Important remark for Walloon partners
- All sizes of enterprises, academia and research centres are eligible
- Eligible costs: personnel, overheads, equipment and subcontracting costs
Aim of the Programme
Special focus on industrial research projects providing commercialisation.
Especially low-tech companies are targeted in this programme.
Funding Conditions (max. rates)
Grants / recoverable advance (TRL)
- SMEs: 60-75%
- Large companies: 40%
- Research centres: 75%
- Academia: 100%
Specific Requirements
- The budget for Walloon partner(s) should follow the DGO6 cost model
- The beneficiary must have a stable financial situation.
- The beneficiary shall not be subject to any legal administrative procedure.
- All the information needed for evaluation should be available.
- The beneficiary must be registered in the region of the programme owner to receive funding and it must be well established in the region.
- The project must add benefits to the regional economy.
- A Consortium Agreement must be signed by all partners before contract signature.
- The duration of the project can be max. 3 years.
- At least one Walloon company must be part of the consortium.
- Min. 40% of the Walloon project’s budget must be dedicated to the Walloon company(ies)
Get in touch with your local Network contact point by selecting the city where your company is based. They can help your business with advice, support and opportunities for international partnerships:
GTAI - Germany Trade & Invest
The website offers information on Belgium’s economic climate, industries, business practice, law and international tenders as provided by the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany (in German only).