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Please find all available IraSME documents and flyers for download here. For more detailed information on the current call for proposals or the IraSME network partners, please visit the relevant sections on this website.

Current Call Documents

IraSME Proposal Application Form

This application form is to be submitted by the project consortium until the call deadline on 26 March 2025. Please visit the “Current Call” section for additional information. In additon to this form, please do not forget to submit your local application documents directly to the respective funding organisation in charge.

IraSME Guidelines for Applicants

This document provides general information on the content and conditions of the 35th IraSME call for proposals which is open from 1 December 2024 until 26 March 2025.

National Programme Portraits

Austria – Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

The National Programme Portrait of Austria provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to Austrian IraSME applicants.

Belgium: Flanders
Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The Regional Programme Portrait of Flanders (Belgium) provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to Flemish IraSME applicants.

Belgium: Wallonia
Service Public de Wallonie (SPW)

The Regional Programme Portrait of Wallonia (Belgium) provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to Walloon IraSME applicants.

EMBRAPII - Brazilian Agency for Industrial Research and Technological Innovation

The National Programme Portrait of Brazil provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to Brazilian IraSME applicants.

Czech Republic – Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO)

The National Programme Portrait of the Czech Republic provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to Czech IraSME applicants.

AiF Projekt GmbH (Project management agency of BMWK)

The National Programme Portrait of Germany provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to German IraSME applicants.


The National Programme Portrait of Luxembourg provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to Luxembourgian IraSME applicants.

Innosuisse - Swiss Innovation Agency

The National Programme Portrait of Switzerland provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to Swiss IraSME applicants.

Tübitak - The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye

The National Programme Portrait of Türkiye provides information on general funding conditions and requirements relevant to Turkish IraSME applicants.

Flyers & Brochures


Brazilian research network EMBRAPII
Q&A International Cooperation

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