35th Call for Proposals - OPEN
Deadline: 26 March 2025
The 35th IraSME call for proposals for transnational R&D projects is open from 2 December 2024 until 26 March 2025. The call is organised and funded by national and regional ministries and agencies participating in the IraSME network through their respective funding programmes.
When applying for IraSME calls for proposals, please note that applicants are strictly advised to consult with their local agencies at an early stage during the preparation of their proposals in order to secure compliance with the applicable national and regional criteria. Eligibility rules, application and funding details vary between countries/regions.
What we fund:
- Development of new products, processes or technical services which exceed the current international state of the art.
- Technical/experimental development up to a prototype level.
- R&D with significant technical risks for each funded partner.
- Minimum constellation: 2 companies from 2 participating countries/regions.
Countries / Regions participating in the 35th call:
- Austria
- Brazil
- Czech Republic
- Flanders (Belgium)
- Germany
- Luxembourg
- Türkiye
- Wallonia (Belgium)
The IraSME application form (+ draft of consortium agreement and GANNT chart) has to be submitted via e-mail to info (at) ira-sme.net until the call deadline.
Submissions after the deadline cannot be accepted.
Mandatory application documents:
- Guidelines for Applicants (PDF) to be read by each member of a consortium that intends to apply for funding
- IraSME Application Form (PDF) to be filled out in English and sent by e-mail to info (at) ira-sme.net by 26 March 2025
Please use the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to download and fill in the application form. Opening the PDF in your webbrowser is likely to cause errors within the form.
Simultaneously the following documents are needed:
- Complete national / regional application according to the corresponding national / regional funding programme.
- National / reginal applications are to be submitted directly to the funding agencies involved according to their national/regional programme rules.
- For more information, please contact your Local Funding Agency
Please note that a draft consortium agreement (unsigned) has to be provided by all German applicants (translated into German!). It is to contain all points mentioned in the ZIM guidelines, to be found on the ZIM website
The IraSME network is managed by

Please use our free consultation service via e-mail and telephone. Up until six weeks before the call deadline, all German ZIM applicants may submit a short overview of the project (“Projektskizze”) and send it via e-mail to AiF Projekt GmbH in order to receive some non-binding feedback.