IraSME was hosted at the common booth for Germany together with the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH) Moscow. We tried to raise awareness for international cooperation.
8th to 11th July 2019 – INNOPROM is an International Industrial Fair held in Ekaterinburg annually since 2010.
INNOPROM is the main industrial, trade and export platform in Russia. As one of the key sites of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation, INNOPROM serves as a platform where the foundations of industrial policy are laid. About 80% of the exhibition visitors are professional buyers from around the world, specialists from industrial enterprises, who make decisions about the introduction of new products and technologies in the production.
In many talks with stakeholders and representatives from Russia, Germany and other countries we informed about funding options for R&D projects which run in cooperation between SME optionally from Russia, Turkey, Belgium, Austria, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Alberta and Germany.